3D Targets from different manufacturers, they are divided into 4 groups, which has to do with the kill size, and the distance to which can be shot
DELTA Mc Kenzie 3D Targets ARE STILL NOT INCLUDED IN THE KILL ZONES (GROUPS) Please look seperatly for the Delta Mc Kenzie sizes
Freichtcharges is hard to tell, so all shipments must be agreed for freighcharges before total order.Please contact us first
Attention: DAS Roggel vof is not accountable for any direct or indirect damages caused during transport to and from our distribution center. Which include but are not limited to: manufacturing defects, design defects, paint cracking, fading, bursts and/or slight damages such as cracks, chips and/or indented areas. Major damages and/or missing pieces upon delivery will of course be compensated in the most applicable manner