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Gateway Natuurveren 4 Inch Patriot 3 Kleur Shield

Fabrikant: Gateway Feathers
Gateway Natuurveren 4 Inch Patriot 3 Kleur Shield
Artikelnummer voorraad referentie: GAT.4PS.PAT
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Gateway Feathers 4 Inch  Patriot 3 Color Shield

Left Wing or Right Wing:

A right handed person may use left wing feathers or right wing feathers and a left handed person may use right wing feathers or left wing feathers. What does matter is the type of clamp you have with your fletching jig. Inspect the clamps you use to build your arrows. Clamps marked with a RH indicates right wing helical, while LH indicates left wing helical. No marking on the clamp means you are using a straight fletch clamp and "wing" does not matter. Do not mix left and right feathers on a single arrow. One advantage to using right wing fletch is field points will tighten on impact with the target. If you're using left wing fletching, waxing the threads of your field points will stop them from loosening. Identifying Left and Right Wing Feathers: Grasp the feather by its smooth, evenly ground base. Upon inspection, the "Lip" on the base is on the rough side of your feather. Hold the feather so the rough side is facing away from you. Pull the feather web apart. Turn the feather, so when you stroke the webbing from the top down, the webbing comes apart. The direction the webbing is pointing, either left or right, is the wing of your feather. If the feather you are trying to identify is already on an arrow, hold the arrow and look down the nock end. If the base "Lip" is on the left side of the webbing the feather is a right wing. Vise versa for left wing.

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